
  • Metascore
  • Basado en: 25 críticas.
  • Plataforma: DS
  • Fecha de lanzamiento:
  • Desarrollador: Hoplite Research
  • Género: Adventure
  • Rating: E
Myst is an immersive experience that draws you in and won't let you go. You enter a unique setting, venturing alone to varied times and places, the worlds that compose Myst. There are no instructions, and you encounter no living beings but soon realize your actions may help individuals who are somehow trapped in a parallel dimension. You don't so much play Myst, as experience it. Of course you must solve a multitude of puzzles, mazes, and problems, but Myst's principal attractions are its environment and the underlying intrafamily drama that unfolds as you explore. Unlike most adventure games, Myst offers no inventory, no death, and no dialogue. Although puzzles don't seem to have much direct connection to the game, they share a commonality. They take on many forms but follow a consistent thread. Some puzzles are very challenging, even obtuse, creating an odd paradox: many buy Myst, but few complete it. It is immensely popular, but most nonadventurers quit in frustration. Fortunately, Myst's popularity has spawned several online sites for hints, walk-throughs, and even saved games . The nonlinear gameplay of Myst lets players go anywhere at any time. Unlike other adventure games, Myst has no inventory, and players never die. Incredibly detailed, Myst offers more depth than any other CD-ROM game to date. [Midway]



