Tokyo Jungle

  • Metascore
  • Basado en: 60 críticas.
  • Plataforma: PlayStation 3
  • Fecha de lanzamiento:
  • Desarrollador: Crispy's
  • Género: Action
  • Rating: T
A hunting game for the PlayStation 3 is finally here! The story takes place in the year 20XX, where you are an animal fighting for survival in the deserted city of Tokyo which was once a lively metropolis. At times, you can be a Pomeranian who has given up a domesticated life for its independence, be a racehorse on a mission to find fellow competitors or even be a lion, the king of all beasts, seeking the warmth of home. You can choose to be a carnivore or herbivore, to survive alone or as part of a herb. You must hunt all the animals in sight for your own survival. See what challenges await you...



