Little King's Story

  • Metascore
  • Basado en: 50 críticas.
  • Plataforma: Wii
  • Fecha de lanzamiento:
  • Desarrollador: Cing
  • Género: Strategy
  • Rating: T
Little King's Story begins with the story of young boy named Corobo. Shy, and without many friends, Corobo stumbles upon a mysterious, powerful crown while walking in the forest near his village. He soon discovers that the crown grants him the ability to charm any person, and make them follow his orders. Suddenly, Howzer, the bull-knight, appears, informing Corobo that he is now King of the village, and he must not take this responsibility lightly. Returning to his sleepy village, as a King instead of a shy little boy, Corobo begins a quest to turn his small hamlet into a noble, fantastic kingdom. The storyline, visual look, and lyrical music of Little King's Story, work in concert to transport players to an interactive, enchanting, fairy tale world. By combining gameplay elements from life-simulation, real-time strategy, and adventure genres, the many aspects of creating a vast kingdom come to life! As King, players manage and involve their townspeople in the goals of creating this new territory; enlist them to dig for treasure, build new buildings and otherwise better their community. Of course, leadership is a two way street, so as King, players will try to conquer rival nations to create a single unified kingdom, as well as grant the requests of townspeople at whim. With the Wii Remote as a royal scepter, Little King’s Story allows players the chance to be the best king in the world. [XSEED Games]