Harvest Moon: Animal Parade

  • Metascore
  • Basado en: 10 críticas.
  • Plataforma: Wii
  • Fecha de lanzamiento:
  • Desarrollador: Natsume
  • Género: Strategy
  • Rating: E
In Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, the divine tree which once stood in the middle of the Harvest Goddess' pond is weakening, the creatures are beginning to leave the land, and the five bells have lost their power. The Harvest Goddess believes that only the strength of the Harvest King can help revive the earth and bring the tree back to life. It's up to the player to help the Harvest Sprites ring the five mystical bells, summon the Harvest King, and revive the Harvest Goddess' tree and the land. Players find plenty of activities in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, including cultivating crops and caring for wild and exotic animals such as penguins, pandas, and monkeys. Players can take their exotic animals out for walks, teach them tricks, and even ride some of them around town! When the circus rolls into town, players also need to help the ringmaster find the escaped animals. Befriend the lion, giraffe, and hippopotamus to save the show! The game also lets players take and share pictures over WiiConnect24. Players can take pictures of their farm, their family, or their village and show them off online. [Natsume]