Monarchia: Second Dawn

  • Metascore
  • Basado en: 1 críticas.
  • Plataforma: iOS
  • Fecha de lanzamiento:
  • Desarrollador: RebelDwarf
  • Género: Simulation
  • Rating: NA
Monarchia: Second Dawn is a medieval strategy/city building game for the Iphone that puts you in the role of a clan chief in a fantasy world.Build up your civilization, trade with your allies and battle your foes calling upon arcane powers as you lead your people to glory. Each citizen has its own wants and needs, including being fed, employed, and kept safe. Manage these correctly and your civilization will flourish.Introducing Immersive 3D technology, the camera responds to accelerometer input, providing a revolutionary 3D experience without glasses. Your Iphone essentially becomes a window into a 3D fantasy world.