Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day

  • Metascore
  • Basado en: 22 críticas.
  • Plataforma: DS
  • Fecha de lanzamiento:
  • Desarrollador: Nintendo, Namco Bandai Games
  • Género: Miscellaneous
  • Rating: E
(Also known as "Sight Training: Enjoy Exercising and Relaxing Your Eyes") You've trained your brain with Brain Age--now sharpen your eye power with Flash Focus! Fast, fun activities and quick-play sports challenges give your eyes the challenging workout they need. The first time you play Flash Focus, you'll complete a short series of activities to evaluate your Eye Age. Train every day to lower your Eye Age and challenge your Focus Ability in the five major categories: Hand-Eye Coordination, Peripheral Vision, Dynamic Visual Acuity, Momentary Vision, and Eye Movement. Flash Focus is designed to be played a little bit every day. Like the Brain Age games, it features a calendar that tracks the days you have completed your training by giving you stamps. By playing each day, you'll unlock more activities and sports-based tests. Each time you complete an activity, your results are added to line charts so you can easily follow your progress. [Nintendo]